
Marc Van den Bossche

Curriculum vitæ

Research experience

2024 PhD in Astrophysics with Dr Geoffroy Lesur and Dr Guillaume Dubus Insitut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG) :
Global models of compact binary discs
2021 3-month internship with Dr Geoffroy Lesur at Insitut de Planétologie et d'Astrophysique de Grenoble (IPAG) :
Spiral waves in accretion discs of close binary systems
2020 3-month internship with Pr Savilian Steven Balbus at Oxford Astrophysics :
Fluctuations of relativistic thin TDE discs
2019 6-month internship with Pr Norman Murray and Dr Laura Keating at the Canadian Institute for Theoratical Astrophysics (CITA) :
[CII] line emission at the epoch of reionisation
2019 6-month Library Based Project with Pr Nick Kaiser :
The ϕ-CDM Model : A light or massless scalar field coupling to matter and cold dark matter
2018 Summer school
LION : Modern Physics at all scales
at Universiteit Leiden.
2018 1-month internship with Dr Gabriel Hétet at the Laboratoire Pierre Aigrain (LAP, ENS) :
Rotating diamonds with embedded spins in a magnetic field
2017 TIPE work for the competitive exams
Optimisation d’un paramètre du C-Cl du modèle d’orbitales moléculaires de Hückel
2016 1-week internship with Dr Sébastien Gleyzes at the Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB, ENS) in the
Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
2014 TPE work for the Baccalauréat together with P. Guiller and R. Colson :
Synthèse d'un son
2013 1-week internship with at the Intitut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse.

Organised conferences

2024 Idefix User Days II at IPAG
2023 Idefix User Days: Introduction to Development and Execution: a First Insight of idefiX at IPAG


2021-2024 PhD in Astrophysics at Université Grenoble-Alpes.
2017-2021 École Normale Supérieure de Paris.
2020-2021 Fundamental Mathematics Master degree (M2) at Sorbonne Université.
2019-2020 Theoretical Physics ICFP Master degree (M2) at ENS Paris.
2015-2017 CPGE PCSI at lycée Déodat de Séverac (Toulouse) and PC* at lycée Pierre de Fermat (Toulouse).
2012-2015 Abibac section at lycée Saint Sernin (Toulouse), Scientific Baccalauréat (Maths).

Technical skills

Programming languages Python, C, C++, bash
Web development html, css, SQL, php
Other Supercomputer and cloud computing
Linux server administration


French Native English C2 (CAE) German C1 (Abitur)
Spanish A2 Arabic (MSA) A2 Italian A1

You can also find a pdf version of my CV here.